Friday, November 10, 2023, met me in downtown Phoenix, Arizona, USA, RUNNING!
Well, not really: I had flown into the beautiful SKY Harbor Airport in Phoenix, Arizona, on the second leg of the Prayer Walk Mission, USA started on August 25, 2023.
The first trip had taken us to Charleston, NC, at the tail-end of August, during the inclement landing of the Hurrican Idalia. That hurricane had claimed ten human lives, and wasted tens of thousands of cattle-lives in Georgia; 8 billion dollars in insurance claims in adjoining FL, GA, NC, and DE states. BUT NOT ONE TREE, ROOF, HUMAN OR ANIMAL LIFE WAS LOST IN THE ENTIRE SOUTH CAROLINA!
It was here the Holy Spirit had assured me: "These are your first set of signs of apostleship and a prophetic door-keeper's rod I have given you over this beautiful nation!"
I had taken that picture of the Phoenix City Council's bus while I had invested almost two hours of prayer—walking prophesy over the city center. Read the inscription on it: 'Driving Your Future Forward.' My friend, I am less bothered about how your future looks at this season of your life. I bring you the word of the Lord: "DRIVE YOUR FUTURE FORWARD!"
Moses was a bit confused when he — and the 2.5 million emancipated slaves he had by the hands of God freed from Pharaoh's Egypt — stood by the brinks of the croc-infested River Nile. Not only was moving forward seemingly an impossibility, but moving backward was unimaginable because of the unrelenting, pursuing, 600 elite forces of Pharaoh's and their furious chariot-riders!
Maybe you too are stuck between a mighty deliverance and the hot chase from the enemy of your destiny.
Three lessons are worthy of our notice, here:
a.) The devil does not care if you or I have been set free from his gulag; he will still pursue us, until the revelation day of our full redemption;
b.) God will always guide the steps of His sons on a hair-breadth's collision pathway with hell fraught with dangers and opportunities; and,
c.) The implementation of your driving forward is IN YOUR HANDS! Moses had the rod of God — signifying authority — in his hands. Possibly across his shoulders held by two hands, the position of the typical shepherd in relaxed, idle times of his times and day. Yet he was be-fuzzled!
The great Prophet Moses yawned and wiped his brows with his hands. He was dazed. In his full glare were the shimmery, shiny helmets, swords in the staves, bows, and arrows, not forgetting the chariots' tumbling wheels of his enemies in hot pursuit. His heart skipped some beats for fear and despondency. In total agony of the heart, he cried to God: "Father, what will I do? What can I do? What is my offense — what must I now do?"
And because of the robust chances of occurrence of any of those three scenarios above, true sons of God are kept on their toes by their Father's erstwhile design of "through many tribulations, entering the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22). We are always agile; eagerly ready to find out the way of escape in that particular test or trial life's circumstances might throw at us. (1 Cor. 10:14).
The disposition of the way of life of ANY maturing son of God is one of pursuit: Either he/she is being pursued. Or they are pursuing the high calling for which they have been apprehended! Hence, the title of this blog: "RUN, BABY RUN!"
God instructed Moses: "Why are you crying to Me? Instruct the Israelites to MARCH FORWARD."
And so, they did!
We know His thoughts and intentions. We know of His everlasting unfailing love for us. Take these thoughts with you, always.
And as we embark on the transatlantic #PrayerWalkMissionUSA, March 25 - April 5, we shall see God again in action. Face to face. Doing marvelous works in dazzling manifestations through us - and our armies of volunteers. Pray for us. Manifest your conviction to stand with us with your seed gifts. Click upon HarvestWays.Org and our DONATE button today — in obedience to the tug of God on your spirit. And for this your partnership, Heaven will rejoice.
This blog was written by Dr. Sammy Joseph. If you've any inquiries about what you have read, please contact us today! If you would love to write for us, please contact us also, today.

Our book reading suggestion for spring 2024 is 'You're Not a Mismatch' Visit our PULSE Publishing House store at the secure QR code
to order this life-changing book.
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