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Every home-builder/owner would accurately tell you the cost of purchase, or the cost of building their home if asked! God, too, without hesitation, had intimated us what it had cost Him to form creation! It may not be reconcilable in cost matters, what it had demanded from the Creator-Possessor of Heaven, the heavens, the cosmos — and the Earth, to create all of these. And then to make man in His image — and place him the sole heir of ALL the works of His creation!

But when Adam and Eve had treacherously fallen captive to the whimsical caprices of the Wicked One — Satan, the Devil, Father-God had readied to disengage His all, to redeem us! His ALL had been His only begotten Son, Jesus! Romans 8:32 reads: "He Who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all — how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?" The Godhead engaged His redemptive plan, the blueprint of which would be fully restorative. This plan had entailed sending God’s "last Adam" down to the Earth to be the eternal sacrifice, consequential to the first Adam’s treachery (1 Corinthians 15:45). This blueprint-plan had contained the reconciliation terms of treasonous Adam’s redemption, restoration, and posterity!  Jesus: The Indigenous, Earthly, God-Man! When NASA had planned to place the first man on the moon via the Apollo Mission of July 20, 1969, it had planned big. A whopping total sum of $25.4 billion budget had been presented before the US Congress in 1973. That sum was equivalent to the current day's $150 billion having factored in the inflationary trends over the decades. The Apollo Mission had not come cheaply! An essential part of that humongous cost had been for the design-spacesuit of the two astronauts: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. The Space Agency had mandatorily ordered a couple of custom-made space-suits that would accommodate the visitors in space.  In the same token, becoming an indigene of the Earth after the order of the "first Adam" — the fallen, disgraced, disobedient, first Heaven's Ambassador — would cost He Who sits upon the Throne, all that He had! It would be the costliest mission in God’s great, unending Universe!  NASA’s fees to the moon would dull as a dust-spec in comparison to the Son of God’s visit to the Earth! And this last Adam would not fail! He is God-in-the-form-of-man: Emmanuel. He is Jesus, the Anointed One. The One Who would "save His people from their sins.” He, Who would restore fallen humanity to its Creator — and God (Matthew 1:21).   "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so, might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 5:19, 21).  The Bible informs us that Jesus' earthly citizen had been planned to details to intercept, intervene, and negotiate with the Devil, our redemptive, "buy-back" terms. That negotiation had cost Jesus, His dear life! And you and I had walked free!

"Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 

But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 

He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you” (1 Peter 1:18-20).

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Scripture says that the disciples — who for the reason of this blog I will refer to as witnesses — had obeyed Jesus' instruction to "Go forth into all the world and preach the Gospel", the Great Commission!

If these faithful disciples of old had gone forth sharing the Good News of the Kingdom, what prevents us of this generation from advancing the same message — even with all the advantages modern telecommunications and gadgets present us? 

Here's what I've noticed is missing in our generation: A lack of wholesome enthusiasm embracing the platform Jesus Christ had bequeathed to us! Our earlier compatriots had unlike us, fully owned the platform that the Lord Jesus, had inherited for them! He had commanded them  as He does us today: “Take ownership of the platform I have created for you!” 

What platform could that be? 

It is the platform of outreaching to the entire, whole, wide world, ripe for harvests of men's souls “white; already to harvest” with the personal stories of victory we have experienced in Him. These stories ultimately become our stories. Our own platforms. (John 4:35). Even thus, the Spirit of Christ unequivocally awakens you:

“Sammy, spare not your energies towards the things concerning My Kingdom!" “Janet, spare not; tell about My restorative grace that restored you from the domestic, violent, narcissistic abuse you had suffered! be not ashamed to tell that I redeemed you!” “Jake, embrace your past mess. I have turned it into your message. be My mouthpiece to your world, of the saving grace that had saved you from the painful years of substance and chemical abuse!” “Isabella,  outreach the entire world with the talents that I endowed you with!”

Put both your two or all three given names here, and address your soul: “______   _______   ______, get up in the name of Jesus Christ, embrace your platform and minister the grace of God available in the Good News of My Gospel!" I mean, you literally speak out audibly to yourself! Command your spirit to command your soul to command your body to heed and obey the Great Commission!

And didn’t I just hear someone, still reticent; and complaining? You’ve just thought half aloud: It’s easier for you Sammy because you’re educated. You’ve got some degrees! But I haven’t got one. I never even attended a College or a University. I’m as bare as a stone! 

No, you are not! 

Do you see how through such a demeaning thought Satan frustrates God’s plan for lives? The bad guy insinuates: “You’re not educated!” “You are not tall enough!” “You have not this, you’ve not that!” 

Maybe the Holy Spirit is actually, therefore, urging you to arise, and apply to Colleges or Universities of Education for admission so that you too can obtain a degree? You've got to make yourself viable: Age should not be a barrier to your “going forth” — and sharing the Gospel! Could it be that the Holy Spirit is challenging you in the spirit of your mind to arise and empower yourself, thus making yourself more relevant to be able to reach your world? But Satan will dissuade you from obeying the simple nudge of God’s Spirit! He will distract your mind from being able to prove that which is good, and acceptable, perfect will of God for your life | Romans 12:2. He will discourage your mind through various tactics of suggestions of either inferiority or insecurities. He will also dissuade you from pursuing wholesomeness by intimidation! The Enemy also uses “the works of the flesh” to side-track destinies. Or he may employ the use of the malignant tool of depression, confusion of the mind, or the illogical workings of the thoughts of the mind. Alternatively, he may simply tug on your laziness! 

Look, Satan has a plethora of stingers to choose from through which he could deflect your destiny, and prevent you from achieving God’s express purpose on the Earth! And if he lacked your exact match, he usually would engage whichever tool you are most susceptible to, to prevent you from becoming knowledgeable, trained, equipped, and deployed to further launch devastating, destructive attacks against his already-weakened structures! 

Yes, Satan’s demonic structures and strongholds are weakened through the assailing assaults of God’s Heavenly Ambassadors each passing day! The King of Heaven will never honor the excuses, but the saint’s availability! God does not usually call the qualified, but He qualifies the called! 

No university enrolled me to learn to either preach or write and publish books, but God’s Holy Spirit! Yet, by His grace, I have read from varied, countless readership audiences from across the world, who in the quiet of their own spaces had heard God expressly speak to them through the contents of the books I have been privileged to write! Truth be told, you will not discover the influencing power of the platform bequeathed unto you by Heaven until you have first owned not just the platform, but also the responsibility of your allegiance to obey the command: “Go into the world and preach the Gospel …"

Are you called of God? 

Are you sensitive enough to listen to His voice? Then, don't even turn yourself away from your launching pad, your platform. Remember, Jesus bequeathed that victory to you. Embrace it and launch out from on it, today!

(An excerpt adapted for this blog site from Dr. Sammy Joseph's new book:  'Heaven's Ambassadors', used by the author's permission! To learn more about the 'Essentials of the Gospel', order your copies of this masterpiece from HarvestWays.Org — or anywhere books are sold worldwide online and otherwise. Thank you on behalf of the PULSE Publishing House, U.K.)

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The Royal African Company was a name I’m sure, was never mentioned in Black History lessons to millions of black children attending history classes, worldwide! Founded in 1660, it had disguised as a company that would trade in cotton and wool! It had passed with its registration documents with the body responsible for registering companies in England and Wales of those days. 

But the question that had kept my thoughts baffled for all these years I had become a personal, moral-thinking agent remains: "Do you find wool tropical climates, on the coast of West Africa? Or are its indigenous peoples, sheep?" 

The country of Nigeria had been responsible for his evil company had been led by a member of the Royal Family — who had eventually become the King of England. 

The safest assumption is that if you're a person of African descent anywhere you are in the world, your ancestry is either originally, Nigerian, Ghanaian, Sierra Leonian, Cameroonian, and possibly Angolan, in that order. Atlantic slave trade had begun late in the 1400s in Nigeria. But the Arabs had earlier followed the Sub-Saharan trade routes on camels to loot northern and sub-Saharan Africa. RAC had nested in Lagos, Nigeria. RAC had been led by a member of the Royal Family — who had eventually become the King of England. Its atrocities on the ground in West Africa, shipping millions of slaves away from the shores of Africa cannot go unmentioned. The slave company had been buoyed by the illiteracy and wickedness of the Nigerian chiefs and traditional elders who had bullied and suppressed their people to conform with the narcissistic slave-trade conditions. Children, adults, uncles, and nephews in entire villages had been forcefully gathered had been abducted under the command of the ruling chief who himself had been a puppet of the slave-masters or traders. Miniature articles like a staff of rulership, a standing mirror or looking glass, a fire-lighter which had replaced the striking of stones to produce sparks, had been used to lure the ignoramus chief-elder into an exchange of his citizens. this was the first betrayal of the tradesmen.

The second betrayal came with the persuasion of the British upon the traditional elders to replace their traditional means of rulership of their people with Indirect Rule. With this rule, the British understudied the weaknesses in the African, and thereby appointed Lords and Governors who had lorded the Divide and Rule approach of governing style. Now, it was easier to mine the gold in Ghana, freely; and harvest the rich crops of cocoa, groundnuts, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and rubber, to say a few. And of course, many more slaves kept on being sold by the wicked Africans. 

The third betrayal occurred when the white slavemasters who by this time had established themselves fatly over the people and had appointed regional, indigenous, under-clerks had issued rum, fine muslin woven cloth-articles, or refined industrial products, horses, military aristocracy, guns and ammunition to complying chiefs in the hinterlands, to 'harvest' more slaves, still. The major complicit countries are on the coast of West Africa: starting with the furthest, Angola, to the shores of Cameroon. Slaves from these countries were few and far in between. They had been shipped to the market collection port of Calabar in South-eastern Nigeria. That was one of two of the major ports that had shipped slaves out to the West, the North Atlantic, and the Americas.

The population in the coastal settlements in Nigeria had been teeming. So, another more huge port in Epe, near Badagry close to Lagos had been founded. And since the waters of Elmina, Ghana had been more stable from the onslaught of the peril of tidal waves, two huge white castles had been built within an eyesight's view, booming for business. I have been to Elmina, Ghana to see for myself. You should go and see too if you're a person of African descent.

So, I have identified thus far, the key player-countries whose traditional leaders, chiefs, and kings had colluded with the white slave-master to establish the fleecing' business of shipping the African out against their will, to the unknown outside world. the last country notoriously know was in Freetown, Sierra Leone, where the castle is built to hold the slaves who would be re-sold, and then shipped through the Passage of No Return. Of about 12.5 million slaves stolen and shipped away from Africa, Nigeria alone accounted for about 3.5 million of these.

WHETHER CAUCASIAN OR AFRICAN, REPENT OF THE INIQUITY OF YOUR FORE-FATHERS IN THE SLAVE-ERA Following the worldwide protest of the police brutality in the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota by ex-cop Derek Chauvin, the British too had taken to the streets: young blacks and whites alike, defying the threats of catching the coronavirus! In the United Kingdom, on June 6, 2020, Edward Colston’s statue took a tumbling and burial in the Bristol river where his slave-ships had docked! The new generation would not stand for oppression, inequality, and systemic racism. On June 10, Robert Milligan’s statue in West Indian Quay, East London, England was gone! Only good Heavens knows how many more of these evil men's statues would forever be obliterated away from the world scenes in a shameful regret of the wicked parts they had played in slavery. Unfortunately for people of my generation, an important part of history that reminds us of the slave era's painful past is being further dissolved into the abyss of disconnection. This is the unwarranted reform that will be forced upon us all by the new wind of CHANGE when the lying, indifferent, ‘architects of modern history’ refuse to humbly acknowledge the pain caused by slavery, segregation, and racism, and rather, attempt to enforce laws or amendments in the Constitution that should make us all be treated the same under the law!

Crucial parts of history that should have been actively incorporated into the curriculum on Black History lessons — but which had been deftly left out and ‘silenced’ by the indifferent architects of modern history had been judged by the new generation of whites and blacks who felt they needed openness, acknowledgment, and fairness in their type of world! Let me hear your thoughts! #Erradicate #Systemic #Racism #Slavery Picture1: Elmina Castle in Ghana, built by the Portuguese in 1482. Picture 2: Charles Colestone’s statue in Bristol toppled into the sea, in England, and  Picture 3: Statue of Mr.Milligan being removed from East London’s Indian West Quay, June 10, 2020. 

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